Berlin is probably the most "American-like" city I have been to. It's awesome! I randomly ran into a South Korean girl (who started talking to me) while walking around the city! I'm sort of getting better at saying words like "danke" and "entschuldigen".
While I was in waiting in line to go up the Reichstag with Swyn (my new Welsch friend!):
Me: OK so help me with the basic German words. . . is it en-SCHULTZ-dig-ung? (*which btw means excuse me*)
Swyn: No, it's "entschuldigen" *random German person turns around*
Me: Ooooh. . . en-shul-ti-gun? *another random German person turns around*
Swyn: More like en-. . . *continues on and everytime we say the word another person turns around*
There are a lot more German tourists here than I expected. Actually I completely forgot that tourism in people's own countries existed! Most of the day I have to dodge huge school groups.
Anyways I got to do all of the things I've wanted to do - Eastside Gallery, Gallerie Topographie des Terrors, the Holocaust Memorial, beer and all! The shopping here is also awesome - especially since everything is so cheap! There's apparently a 2nd-hand store I missed though called "Collars" where they charge by the weight of the clothes - like 1 kg = 13 Euros! There's also an area at Checkpoint Charlie where you can get a stamp in your passport (because you're crossing between the US and Russia region that doesn't exist anymore)! I didn't do that because I'm bitter that I didn't get a stamp from Belgium, the Netherlands or Germany. WTH! I didn't get my earrings from the Netherlands either. Boo. It drives me crazy now.
Anyways today was one of those ridiculously perfect days. It was really sunny (now I wish I brought shorts and leggings and less jeans) and at one point I got really thirsty, and was considering whether or not to go buy something when this girl randomly jumps out of Starbucks and offers me a sample of a Mocha Frappuccino! It made me so happy! I have a lot of blisters on my feet though. Boo.
Sorry to get political here, but I'm getting really annoyed by Clinton - YOU ARE HURTING YOUR OWN PARTY. She has little to NO chance of winning (especially now since she lost North Carolina), and all she's doing at this point is stirring up problems against Obama. When he wins, the people supporting her will bitter and not vote for him and we'll have another Republican for a president. . . or is this what she wants?
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