I'm going to London tonight so I can take my stupid e-commerce exam Thursday. Stupid F-ing exams cutting into my travel time. . .
OK so continuing on:
Cesky Krumlov
This was definitely one of my more FAVORITE places! I miss it so much! It's this tiny little Bohemian town with this pink Barbie Castle in the middle. I LOVED it. The hostel I stayed at was like staying at home. It had 3 guitars and a piano so I practiced chords! Anyways I met this girl who was also staying at that hostel from busabout - Amy - and she was my best friend through this part of the trip! It's nice to have that b/c now I'm starting to get tired of having pictures of places and not being in the pictures or having to have a boring normal smiling posed photo b/c I had to ask someone to take it.
Speaking of - I don't know WHAT it is, b/c I think Czech women are GORGEOUS and there were lots of Asians in Prague and around Czech Republic and the such (so it's not like it's weird???) but I had a LOT of people asking to take pictures with me?? As in I would be walking around, minding my own business, then I get bombarded with this camera, and thinking they are asking me to take a picture for them, I take the camera, then get grabbed and they take a picture WITH me. It was really weird.

Anyways Amy and I ate this HUGE Bohemian Feast for super cheap and it was AMAZING! We also sat by the river and had a view of the castle. It was just perfect perfect PERFECT. The next day, we went over to Krizok to get a view of the town after hiking, and we basically spent the day lying around talking and playing with dandelions! I haven't made a dandelion chain in forEVER! It was another perfect perfect day. Cesky Krumlov is perfect and I love it and it was nice to relax after Prague and other various huge cities.

I basically spent way too short a time in Vienna, but I met up with Ulas and he showed me all around Vienna! I did my essential drinking a coffee (melange) in a Viennese Cafe with an Apple Strudel (yuuuuuuummmm) and had a falafel in "The Best Falafel in Town"! We spent time talking in the museum purple blocky thingits and had a few beers and then went to this club called Club Flex - which is known for being the 10th best nightclub in the German speaking world, after 9 in Berlin (yes, SO glad I went out while in Berlin)! Anyways I have decided my new 2 places I HAVE to go are Corinthia and Iceland! I'm also considering moving to Berlin sort of. I was kind of bummed I didn't get to see an opera. They are 3 Euros for SRO tickets! Boooo. I'll have to come back. When you're unemployed, the government provides you with a Culture Card in which you get to go to operas for free (movies too)! That's so not fair.

I stayed with a host family with 2 kids. They were SO cute! They couldn't really speak English though and I couldn't really speak German so most conversations sort of ended very quickly. But there was one part where Karin (their mother) told them that I knew some French and they got so excited! It sort of helped, since they knew a little French (their dad lives in Paris). Anyways, I have no idea what the big thing against Salzburg is! The people are SO nice and the city is GORGEOUS. I didn't take the Sound of Music tour, but I ended up seeing all of the things I wanted to see in it anyways - Mirabell Gardens (the Do Re Mi song), the Nonnberg Priory at the beginning of the film and the Gazebo from 16 going on 17! I also saw Mozart's birthplace and home and the such. The first night I was there, I watched an outdoor concert in Mirabell Gardens, which they only have on Wednesdays and Sundays, so I was lucky to have timed my trip right then!
Munich 1 (Since I'm in Munich again for the 2nd time now)
So coincidentally, although Marie and I didn't book a hostel together, we ended up choosing the same one anyways!!! Jaeger Hostel! As one guy I met in the hostel said, 'it's all in the name'. They give you a free shot in coming in too! It was SO nice to see a familiar face from Michigan again! We met up with another girl from the a cappella community studying in Munich and one of her sorority sisters and went to a beer hall (one of the Augustiner ones, I forget). It had these massive tables where they sort of seat you with a LOT of people, and we ended up sitting with a Michigan Alum! It was so weird! Actually I've been meeting a LOT of Michigan alums in my travels! Anyways, as I am extremely lightweight, Marie ordered "the smallest portion of beer possible" for me and when they came back, they brought me this little shot glass. I was like um. . . . Marie?!?!?!? But then it turned out they were kidding and got me the real one but that was hilarious and we took a picture of me with the little drink. But the glasses the others got were HUGE. As in 2 times the size of my head or something! Anyways then we met up with one of Marie's other friends from the Harmonettes and her sorority sisters and we went to some club. It was OK. I kind of wish I hadn't gone. It more or less reminded me of why I didn't like partying so much in Michigan all the time.
St. Johann in Tirol

This was actually the place I think I was MOST excited about (maybe equal to Prague) and it was a let down. I mean it was nice and I saw the Austrian Alps, but I felt I should have just stayed in Switzerland longer instead, it's the SAME. But on the bright side I went hiking. In the rain. I guess it was good for me since no one was around so I just kind of sang to myself the whole time. I know it's kind of a weird thing to do but it was good practice. As I was going up I kept muttering to myself that the waterfall I was hiking for had better be worth it. It was! I passed a bunch of caves on the way there too! There were also people climbing by the waterfall - I wish I had climbing equipment!
I was so annoyed. I was SO excited about tobogganing and it wasn't even opened for the season yet! I don't know I think I'm just bitter. But on the bright side, I had schnapps at the pub with the other busabout people and I ran into Amy again!!!!!!!! Then left.
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